
February is American Heart Month!

Feb 14, 2023
February is American Heart Month!

February is American Heart Month!

Happy Valentine’s Day! February is American Heart Month and with that we are going to talk a little bit about heart health and what we are doing at BFP to bring awareness to your cardiovascular system! Primary care services should be tailored to your individual health, and aimed at preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease and cardiovascular events- stroke or heart attack. Primary care is focused on prevention and ensuring that you live your healthiest and best life.

How does BFP assess my heart risk? Every year at your annual physical, we spend some time evaluating your overall cardiovascular risk. This assessment takes into account several factors including your age, family history, past medical history, gender, stress, smoking history, diet/exercise and other lifestyle modifiers. We also draw bloodwork which evaluates your cholesterol levels to further evaluate your overall risk for a cardiovascular event. A total score will be calculated to determine your chances of developing heart disease in the next 10 years. The higher the score, the greater your chances of significant heart problems now and in the future. If we determine your overall risk to be above average, we will recommend further steps to evaluate your actual anatomy.

What is a Calcium-Score Screening Heart Test? A coronary calcium scan uses low-dose computerized tomography (CT) to detect calcium deposits in the coronary arteries in your heart. A higher score is predictive of an increased chance for narrowing in the coronary arteries, and therefore a higher future risk of heart attack. Our partners at Invision Sally Jobe are offering a discounted rate for the month of February for coronary calcium scans for $99!

Who should get a Calcium-Score Screening?

-Family history of heart disease

-Patients with diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure

-Past or present smokers

-Overweight/inactive lifestyles

-Other risk factors

How can I improve my risk? Prevention is the name of the game. The current exercise recommendation is for a minimum of 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week. We also recommend a heart-healthy diet that is low in sodium and saturated fat, high in fiber diet. Think: veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean protein. Weight loss and smoking cessation if needed can make dramatic risk reductions, and we can help with both! We can recommend therapists and lifestyle changes to help manage stress, and help ensure that your chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure are optimized to prevent ongoing cardiovascular risk.

Our primary care services are focused on ensuring that you are as healthy as you can possibly be, and what a perfect time of year to focus on your heart health! Enjoy your Valentine’s Day with your loved ones, and let us help you make a plan to keep your heart ticking! Schedule now and take advantage of discounted rates with our neighbors at Invision Sally Jobe.